9:30 am half a bowl of low carb grain free porridge (will post recipe and pictures after tinkering with the recipe) 2 organic eggs, cauliflower and cheese
2pm A bowl of homemade lacto-fermented sauerkraut
6pm Spinach with homemade Pico de Gallo, avocado and olive oil, organic pork liver asparagus (with butter, thyme, garlic powder)
Exercise 8:30am - went for a 45min brisk walk in the glorious morning sun. 8:30pm - 20min shoulders and abs workout from Unstoppable Fat Loss
10am 1/4 left over organic pork chop from yesterday's dinner 2 organic local eggs 1 avocado with salt and pepper 1 cup of earl gray tea with small amount of milk and stevia 3pm Yogi Redbush Chia tea
4pm 2 tablespoons of cashew butter
6:30pm Romain Salad (plain), Broccoli with butter, 3.5 slices of Organic Peameal Bacon
Note: I have been eating lots of Org. Pork because that is what what I have left in my freezer. I will have some more variety soon.
Exercise I went for a 30 minute run/walk at 2pm and did a 30 minute Unstoppable Fat Loss Biceps and Triceps work out at 8:30pm. I am feeling great and pumped after my UFL workout and have lots of energy to fold my laundry :)
8:30am egg salad (made from 1 organic egg, mayo and green onions) on flax/almond meal wrap
10am 1 cup of cultured organic milk (not yogurt)
a few bites of raw cabbage from making sauerkraut
10:30am 2 cups of earl gray tea (one plain and one with lemon and stevia)
6pm Romain salad (plain), cauliflower and broccoli (with butter) and pork chop (also finished up kids uneaten meat. About 1/4 pork chop)
Exercise Went for a 25 min run/walk. This run normally takes me 30 min but I hurried as I went a bit late in the day and had to meet my girls after school.
For a while now I have been wanting to create a menus blog. I love reading these myself (for meal ideas and just because they fascinate me)!
I have lost 25 pounds following a high fat, low carbohydrate diet. I have five more pounds to lose.
I feed a family of four daily on mostly organic and local food. Local farm REAL food is what I am passionate about. I married a farm boy and hopefully will be able to run my own some day.
I eat CSA (community supported agriculture) and garden food in season. So you will see that I do eat carrots and will grow potatoes for my kids. I also do get beets in my CSA share and will make beet kvass out of them.
I am experimenting in fermenting and culturing food. Some is good and some gets tossed but it is all done for good digestive health.
I will post my weight, daily menus, drinks, exercise and general thoughts.