Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 4th Low Carb Menu

2 large cups of organic coffee with milk

handful of almonds
1 cup of organic full fat milk

1 cup of organic yogurt cheese

3 organic eggs
1 cup of lacto-fermented sauerkraut

1/2 cup of lacto-fermented fruit (pineapple, orange, apple, ginger, whey, salt and rapadura sugar). The sugars are digested by the fermentation. There was hardly any sweetness to this batch. I had hoped my kids would like it, but there was a very strong ginger flavour so they hated it.

Pork Stew meat with the ginger peanut sauce from yesterday's dinner.

None today


  1. I like your blog bcz you have MEAL PLANS...
    Just started this low carb thing, wish me luck!

  2. A lot of preparation comes from just thinking about what you are going to cook in the next few meals and just having the ingredients at hand. There are days that I am not in the mood for cooking and just throw hamburger patties in the pan and prepare some raw veggies.

    I try to keep things interesting though so nobody gets bored of eating the same old foods.

    Wishing you the best!
